Strategies To Get More Online Reviews
Online user reviews play an important role in improving your online sales. The reviews also work well as user generated content (UGC).
The Entrepreneur magazine contributor Syed Balkhi has shared five tips to help small businesses get more online reviews.
Balkhi says, “If your online business profile is still looking lonely, with only one or two reviews, check out these five tips to get more online reviews for your small business.
1. Create an email campaign.
One way to encourage more online reviews for your small business is to create an email campaign. If you already have an active email list, you’re off to a great start. Your email subscribers are your biggest fans, so chances are, if you send them an email asking them to leave your business an online review, they’ll do it.
If you haven’t built an email list yet, get started by signing up with an email marketing software and adding a popup on your website to encourage people to join your list. Plus, if visitors can place an order from your website, you should already have their email addresses to add to your email list”.
5 Tips for Getting More Online Reviews for Your Small Business
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