It is very important to connect closely with the customers and keep communicating with them. The digital brand storytelling is one of the ways to reach out to plenty of people and influence them.

Marketing Land columnist Julian Baring has shared four ways to help marketers improve their digital brand storytelling efforts.

Baring says, “Stories are no longer stuck on one set of rails but are capable of more and more unique variations. What follows is an overview of the new components of modern brand storytelling in the digital age.

Stories should be real time

When stories are told around a campfire, the best storytellers adapt to their audiences’ reactions and new information they might provide during the story. Today’s digital brand stories must do the same, and emerging automation tools make this possible. Automation enables data to be analyzed and executed well within the blink of an eye, leading to instantaneous ads that can make use of a variety of data sources”.

The new best practices for digital brand storytelling

Marketing Land

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