Forbes contributor Daniel Newman has posted an update to his predictions on 2018 digital transformation trends. Newman publishes his predictions on digital transformation trends every year.

Newman says, “The past eight months of 2018 have shown us just how fast the world of technology moves. So, let’s take a look at what’s happened so far and discuss what we can expect for the remainder of the year. 

1. IoT Everywhere

Last year, I said that there were three main trends with IoT at the core—analytics, edge computing, and 5G—and that’s still true today. While some of these trends have really taken off in the last six months—I’m looking at you, analytics—others are just starting to really burgeon into a new frontier. There was a reason I had IoT first on my list, it’s paving the way for these trends and will likely continue to do so for years to come.

2. Analytics

Advanced analytics are showing just how powerful the IoT really is. This year, the data from our IoT initiatives were supposed to be driven by a higher level of analytics, changing manufacturing, healthcare, smart cities and more. And guess what? It’s working”.

2018 Digital Transformation Trends: Where Are We Now?

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