Manipulation is seen as a negative term. But not always it leads you to do something where you are planning to cheat or harm someone.

Entrepreneur guest writer Scott Oldford has shared an article highlighting how marketers can ethically use manipulation in marketing.

Oldford says, “Through modern retargeting, I can manipulate you into believing something you do not believe.

And when I say I can, I mean anyone can: the media, government, marketers, online business owners … anyone!

You see, your mind largely works on a subconscious level. During every second of your waking day, it takes in — and filters — tremendous amounts of information. It needs to. You would not get through the day unless it subconsciously took in information, spat it out and made assumptions on the back of it.

So, as you scroll through Facebook or browse YouTube, you don’t actually understand what’s going on. You take it in, but you don’t necessarily understand the message — or question whether it’s true. You’re on autopilot, and you subconsciously form beliefs and perceptions on … everything”.

Manipulation in Marketing: How It’s Used, and How to Use It Ethically


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