Connecting with your prospects and customers is the key to close more sales. And building conversation with them is one of the best ways to initiate an action.

Articulate’s Clare Dodd has published an article highlighting the impact of stories on the sales.

Dodd says, “Keith Queensbury of Johns Hopkins conducted an analysis of 108 Super Bowl adverts. He found that, ‘regardless of the content of the ad, the structure of that content predicted its success.’ In other words, telling a story was better than listing features (or anything else for that matter).

Freytag's pyramid
‘Freytags pyramid’. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.


The more complete the story being told in the ad, the more successful the ad. In fact, the more of the five elements of the traditional dramatic structure, shown in Freytag’s pyramid, that were included, the better the ad did.

This five-act storytelling structure dates back to Aristotle and is exemplified in Shakespeare’s plays. It might not be new, but it remains as effective as ever”.

Why stories sell and feature lists don’t


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