Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is all about increasing the percentage of visitors to a website and converting them into customers.

Marketers try various tactics for an improved CRO. And in this process, they might be making some mistakes too.

MOZ’s Lindsay Kolowich has talked about six CRO mistakes that marketers and webmasters make.

Stressing ‘CRO is not A/B testing’, Kolowich says, “Equating A/B testing with CRO is like calling a square a rectangle. While A/B testing is a type of CRO, it’s just one tool of many. A/B testing only covers testing a single variable against another to see which performs better, while CRO includes all manner of testing methodologies, all with the goal of leading your website visitors to take a desired action.

If you think you’re “doing CRO” just by A/B testing everything, you’re not being very smart about your testing. There are plenty of occasions where A/B testing isn’t helpful at all — for example, if your sample size isn’t large enough to collect the proper amount of data. Does the webpage you want to test get only a few hundred visits per month? Then it could take months to round up enough traffic to achieve statistical significance.

If you A/B test a page with low traffic and then decide six weeks down the line that you want to stop the test, then that’s your prerogative — but your test results won’t be based on anything scientific”.

6 CRO Mistakes You Might Be Making (And How to Fix Them)

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