Felicia Crawford says, “Back in 2015, we had an epiphany. Every day, via every channel, you — our readers, subscribers, community members, and social followers — would ask us really good questions. (You’re an incredibly intelligent, friendly, inquisitive bunch, you know that? It’s humbling.) A lot of those questions were about how to accomplish your SEO goals, and it got us thinking.

Moz is an educational resource, it’s true, but we also offer a suite of tools (both free and paid) that can help you achieve those goals. Why not provide a space for those two things to converge? And thus, the idea of the Daily SEO Fix was born: quick 1–3 minute videos shared throughout the week that feature Mozzers describing how to solve problems using the tools we know best.

It’s two years later now, and both our tools and our industry have evolved. Time to revisit this idea, no?

Today’s series of Daily SEO Fixes feature our keyword research tool, Keyword Explorer. Perhaps you’ve heard us mention it a couple times — we sure like it, and we think it could help you, too. And you don’t have to be a subscriber to check this puppy out — anyone on the whole wide Internet can use it to research two queries a day for free. If you’re logged into your Moz community account, you get five free queries”.

Your Daily SEO Fix: The Keyword Research Edition


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