Mareo McCracken says, “Some people get what they want. Usually they ask for it. Sales is no different. Relationships are the same. If you don’t tell the customer what is expected, they might never know what to do. If you don’t let your partner know what you need, they will not know what you need. The key to a meaningful life is purpose. When we help others we find our true purpose. Sometimes, other people need to find ways to help people. Help them help you, then everybody wins.

Have you questioned why some people actually get what they are seeking? Maybe you thought they were lucky, or smart, or possessed some power. The truth is really they just know how to ask the right questions in the right way. Words are power. Meaning is contextual and by giving proper meaning to the way we desire and frame our desires we can also help others want to help us.

In order to truly get what you want, you must ask great questions. Questions are made of words, and when framed the right way are powerful.

The first step is helping the person you want something from, to be able help you. Often people start with the asking the question and then try to help or overcome resistance. The key is to build the bridge first and then help them see that the bridge is already built”.

Helping Others Help You in Sales and in Life

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