James McQuivey says, “It’s the age of the customer and only the leaders who know how to lead their organizations to increased customer obsession will be able to keep up with hyperadoptive consumers. Those consumers already expect to get what they want, when, where, and how they want it. The only question will be who will give it to them? Will it be you?

It’s a question I asked today on stage at Forrester’s Marketing Europe leadership forum in London. I shared with them an overview of my recent report, “Leadership in the Age of the Customer,” a months-long project that revealed the five things that customer-obsessed leaders must do. I then asked the attendees to answer five questions. Just over forty executives took my short, five-question survey, allowing me to compare the marketers in the UK and from across Europe to their counterparts in the US, where I asked the same questions just a few weeks ago. See chart below to see how they compared”.

European Marketers More Likely to Model and Measure Customer-Obsessed Leadership


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