Russ Jones says, “Google Keyword Planner data at one point or another, especially while doing keyword research, the reality is that the data is often untrustworthy and should be viewed with great skepticism. Whether you plan to use it to help build a paid search campaign or determine which content to write, there are huge caveats to the numbers presented as Average Search Volume. Today, I want to walk through a number of the “gotchas” in Google Keyword Planner data so you can do better keyword research and make smarter decisions for you or your clients’ sites.

Dirty secret #1: Rounded averages

By far, the most-used piece of data from Google Keyword Planner is the “Average Monthly Search Volume” metric. This key data point is used in everything from basic decisions on what keywords to use in an ad campaign to complex traffic prediction curves. But can we trust it?“.

Google Keyword Planner’s Dirty Secrets

MOZ Blog

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