The latest post on ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog is titled “Optimizing cross-channel marketing for compliance part III: Evolving the privacy policy”.

Alex Krylov says, “My final quote comes from privacy pro Ben Isaacson: “Engaging on privacy is not a retardant [to innovation], it’s just part of the evolution”[1]. In part two of this series I discussed the need to educate consumers about your data integration efforts. In part three, I will describe ways you can optimize the privacy policy itself.

Your privacy policy is a one-stop shop for consumers

Until the industry develops a better privacy education infrastructure, your privacy policy is still the go-to place for all privacy information.

An index of questions presented in the header of a privacy policy remains the most common style and is widely accepted in the privacy community. However, one growing trend to consider is the creation of a ‘short form’ or ‘layered notice’ where you present short excerpts of the policy and highlight the important points for consumers to reference, with options to click-through to the full policy for more information“.

Optimizing cross-channel marketing for compliance part III: Evolving the privacy policy

‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

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