If you are using your smartphone to look for business that can meet your need, you will choose the business with a mobile-optimized website, because you can navigate the site, find what you want, and, if they’re smart, you can tap-to-call them, rather than having to type in their phone number.

Mark Sanford’s  Mobile Landing Page Machine lets you build a site like that for your own business or for your clients. Specifically, it:
+ Creates a Landing page in 5 minutes
+ Creates a “Tap-to-Call” button for the site
+ Does its magic through a “fill in the blanks” interface
+ Comes with niche-specific images you can use on the site.

You just enter the business specifics, the headline you want to use, and the text for the call to action. The software does the rest, including creating a legal disclaimer page.

If you have a local business or have clients that do, check out this new software here: Mobile Landing Page Machine

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