Read Keith Baxter’s latest article titled “How To Increase Your Visitor Value With One Simple Action”.

Keith Baxter’s latest article is reprinted here.


How To Increase Your Visitor Value With One Simple Action

A common saying in the Internet Marketing community is, “The money is in the list”.

Unfortunately, that’s an inaccurate statement.

The line should read, “The money is in what you do with that list”.

This all begins with a lead (otherwise known as an optin).

When you are building your business, you engage in marketing to entice people to become interested in your product.

These people become leads that either buy from you or don’t.

The ones that do buy from you then become your customers.

While this isnât rocket science, we are trying to establish your visitor value at this point.

Letâs talk about how to determine your visitor value.

First, we want to know what your conversion rate is for generating a lead.

This is done by taking the number of people that opted into your site and dividing that by the number of unique visitors. For example⦠if you had 50 optins and 1000 unique visitors, your conversion rate is 5%.

Next, if 10 of these leads (optins) generated $10 each in sales, then you made $100⦠still with me?

If you made $100 and have 1000 unique visitors, then your visitor value is $.10 per visitor.

You are better off determining this value at the end of each month as it will change month to month.

But knowing this number is the key to your ad budget for future lead generation.

Let’s move on!

If only 10 people out of the 50 leads became customers, then what do you do with the remaining 40 leads?

It’s simple!

You get them to do what theyâve already done in an effort to boost your visitor value!

Confused? Fear not! all is explained shortly.

If you can get the lead to optin to another form (which they’ve already been conditioned to do) and get paid on that optin, then guess what! you’ve increased your visitor value from a lead that wasn’t going to convert into a customer.

This is the power of CPA Networks. They give you the opportunity to increase your visitor value by paying you on form submissions. An excellent way to promote a CPA offer is by simply adding it to the end of a follow-up sequence.

In this article, I showed you how the money isn’t in the list, but in what you do with that list; how to determine your visitor value; and how to increase your visitor value with CPA Networks. My goal is for you to determine your visitor value today and take the simple action of adding a CPA offer to the end of your emails and enjoy the returns that come with this.

Keith Baxter is the president of, the fastest growing CPA Network online. Modern Click is the perfect network to use when applying Keith’s tactics. As a special for readers of this article, Keith will fast track all affiliate applications through the approval process in Modern Click in 12 hours or less.

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Keith Baxter for granting permission to reprint the latest article.





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