Read Ken McCarthy’s Ideas about ‘Your Next Step in Internet Marketing’.

Ken McCarthy’s email is reprinted here. [email with the subject: How Could I be So dumb?]

Your Next Step in Internet Marketing

Have you noticed that your biggest breakthroughs often come from the simplest ideas?

For many years, I’ve been puzzling over a problem. You may face the same one in your business.

The problem is this…

How do you deal with the fact that your prospects come to you with a vastly wide range of knowledge?

Some come to you having been in the market for years and shopped every conceivable source.

Others are brand new and don’t know which way is up.

There are probably dozens of ways to classify prospects, but at the end of the day, here’s my big insight – and I can’t believe it took me so long to “get” this…

You may have missed it too.

There are really only two categories that matter: “beginners” and “advanced.”

Now here’s something very important about this…

No matter what you sell or who you sell it to, beginners are always going to make up a huge percentage of your prospect universe. They also provide the fuel for your future growth because beginners, when well treated, often become very loyal customers.

Defining a beginner, a “newbie,” is pretty easy. They know who they are and it’s pretty easy to recognize one when you meet them.

So Profit Step #1 is this: Whatever business you’re in, make sure you create a special track for beginners.

A bricks and mortar retailer hipped me to this.

His sales people are trained to ask people who come to the store: “Is this your first time here?”

If the visitor says “yes,” they’re offered an instant first-time customers discount applicable on the first visit to the store (a creative way of saying now) plus another discount the next time they come in – given to them at the register when they make their first purchase.

A sale now and the next one teed up. It doesn’t get much better than that.

Is that brilliant or what? It’s brilliant because it’s easy to execute, it’s low key, and it gives the prospect real motivation to become a customer now.

Question: How would you feel about a business that treated you this way? If you were in the market for what they’re selling, what are the odds that you’d give them a try?

By the way, you’d be gravely mistaken if you think the moral of the story is to give discounts.

The power comes when you: 1) recognize “newbies” and 2) reward them for approaching you.

How you reward them is up to you.

Whatever way you to decide to work with “beginners”, make sure it’s something easy to execute. In a retail store setting, the example I used works like a charm, but you’ll need to adapt it to your way of doing business.

Here’s how I’m doing this:

OK, newbies are handled, what about advanced prospects?

The folks who already know a lot about your industry, your offer, or you – or maybe all three…

Obviously, there are lots of different ways you could go about categorizing them, but to keep it simple and to create a system that you’ll actually use, put them into one single category: advanced.

It’s the same principle as working with beginners: recognize and reward.

I’m starting to put this into practice in all the businesses I operate and advise.

Here’s one way I’m using it and applying it to a simple automated Internet system:

Check it out. It may give you some ideas for how you can apply this powerfully to your business.

More about this later…and let me know how it works for you.


P.S. Take a look at how I’m using this idea for my own business.

My challenge as an educator is getting the right information to the right person at the right time so they can make the best use of it.

Not easy when my clients range from total newbies to eight figure a year producers.

Here’s how I’m doing it.

Whatever YOU do make sure you keep it simple and make sure it’s easy to execute.

I’d be shocked if it doesn’t give you at least an extra 10% bump to your business

P.P.S. Try it. It seems simple, but it’s very powerful.

Registration Page

McCarthy has two different plans for beginners and advanced internet marketers:

“If you’re a Beginner…

You’re a beginner if you have not yet created a reliable source of income from the Internet.

This can seem like an insurmountable challenge because there’s so much to learn and there’s so much conflicting information and advice out there.

In reality, Internet marketing is a common sense business but it does require that you master a few specific skills.

Your next step is to firm up your foundation so you can get to the next level.

To learn how, fill out the form below to receive carefully screened advice and resources especially tailored to the needs of Internet marketing beginners”.

“If you’re Advanced…

You’re advanced if you have found a niche, figured out how to drive traffic to your site and are deriving some kind of income from the Internet whether it’s $10 a day or $10,000.

You probably want to get more qualified leads, better conversion of the leads you’re getting and get substantially more profit from the time and energy you’re putting into your business.

Your next step is to hook up with a proven source of reliable information that’s been guiding people to greater success online for over twelve years.

Fill out the form below to receive carefully screened advice and resources especially tailored to the needs of existing Internet businesses”.

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Next Step Registration Page





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