AOL had added ShoppingBuddy and another AIM, America Online Instant Messaging, Bot for Moviefone to its AOL buddy lists. AIM bots are automated software that send automated responses to questions.

AOL has added ShoppingBuddy to its AIM, America Online Instant Messaging, buddy lists. AOL has also added another Bot for Moviefone buddy list. AIM bots are automated software that send automated responses to questions.

The ShoppingBuddy allows AIM users to send queries about gift ideas.

The new bot for Moviefone allows AIM users to ask about current movies and show timings.

Other AIM bots in the buddy list include:

TysonPowerPlates: Allows users to search for Tyson power packed recipes.
Advance4Comfort: Offers users a free trial pair of contact lenses from Acuvue.
AOL YellowPages: Provides online Yellow Pages service.
WSJ: Provides news from around the globe.
FFXI: A multi-player game.
MillionaireIM: Offers users the chance to become a lifeline.
AOLSafetyBot: Provides tips on internet security and
Latest MLB Info: Provides statistics of scores, sports, polls etc.

Krista Thomas, AOL spokeswoman, said, “The two join other AIM bots, such as those for news and baseball scores, but this was the first time AOL added them automatically when users logged on.” [Source]

Users of the latest version of AIM get a prompt, about the addition to their buddy lists with the option for removal, when they log in.

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