Any form of marketing requires a lot of research and experiments and email marketing is not an exception. With different email templates, catchy subject lines and unforgettable offers, you can make your email campaigns stand out.

Entrepreneur contributor Syed Balkhi has shared four mistakes that can cost you your precious email subscribers.

Balkhi says, “Let’s stop your subscribers from hitting that dreaded “Unsubscribe” button. Take a look at these reasons why you might be losing email subscribers and ways how to fix what’s  wrong.

You send too many emails.

I’m sorry, but nobody wants to deal with a company that comes across like a stage-five clinger. If you’re sending subscribers an email every single day, or worse, multiple times a day, they’re going to get annoyed — fast. With inboxes that are overflowing with emails, people are already overwhelmed, and over-promoting yourself is a sure-fire way to lose email subscribers. It also comes across as desperate. When it comes to email marketing, then, quantity does not equal quality.

How to fix it: There’s no set number for how many emails you should send your subscribers; it really depends on the type of communication you’re sending. When people sign up for a monthly newsletter, they expect to receive only one email per month. But if they sign up for a free trial of your product or subscribe to receive content that’s relevant to their interests, sending two to three emails per week is understandable”.

Why You’re Losing Email Subscribers (and How to Fix That)


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