Social media can be a business building tool for marketers (both online and offline). But you need to get people’s attention and hold it over the long term to profit well from social media.

If you want to be liked, shared, and followed when you post social media content, you need to be strategic abut “priming the pump.” First and foremost, you need relevant, timely, and occasionally controversial content that your viewers will be attracted to.

Would you like to discover the secret of making your content go viral? Would you like it to happen on “Auto-Pilot”? Then consider the power of RSS feeds.

RSS feeds are everywhere but only a few people know how to profit from them.

Damon Nelson has created new, unique software is called RSSMasher. He just launched it. Through Monday, he is offering it at a special launch price. With Nelson’s help, you can discover how to make money from RSS feeds.

Curating content is only one of the many income-building techniques Damon shares in RSSMasher. For example, he also shares how you can:
• Use his RSS techniques to create social authority for yourself or for a client,
• Increase your (or your client’s) social media presence while automating social engagement to generate new leads.

Probably, you are continually looking for ways to bring more value to your clients so you can earn more money. If so, consider this new software and training.

Nelson is a reputed expert in increasing a marketer’s social media presence and video rankings online. He is sharing some of his expertise with you in the training included in RSSMasher.

His simple discovery on using RSS has let him charge higher rates to his clients, increase the social media presence for ths clients to what might be called local celebrity levels and do it all without being glued to his screen.

Using his RSS expertise, he increases his client’s value by curating high quality RSS feeds from experts in the industry and then spicing up this content with celebrity feeds and controversial blog posts.

He discovered that curating significant links into his client’s RSS feeds increased clicks, leads and back linking. The best part about curating RSS feeds is that it takes so little time. Plus, no black hat strategies are involved so it’s a low-risk way to bump up your SEO. On top of that. it creates lasting relationships with the people whose the feeds you promote.

Are you interested in increasing your own celebrity status (or your client’s) while generating a stream of new leads and leveraging the power of top influencers? Then you need to check out RSSMasher, that was just launched. Remember: the launch pricing ends Monday night.

You can get the software and a complete RSS Feed training course right now. And the price for a lifetime license couldn’t get any better. Just click here to get see for yourself: RSSMasher

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