Vignesh Subramanyan says, “Social Media has cemented its hold on businesses as more and more marketers indicate that they are placing a high value on it and are wanting to master social tactics that effectively engage their audience. The past year has seen an increase in Social Media Marketing through countless studies, practices, industry trends and even some major acquisitions in the space. However, the exciting possibilities are yet to come as Facebook and Twitter announce potential “buy” buttons that help drive an even more personalized experience to consumers. Trends such as paid amplification, content directed to new wearable tech, native advertising are just some of the examples of what’s to come in 2015.

With the wide variety of trends ready to launch in 2015, we decided to reach out to experts and get their predictions for Social Media in the upcoming year.

The Future of Social Media: How Will It Impact Marketing, Sales, and Customer Service?

1. Xavier Major, CEO of Popular Media Consulting, LLC – @xavier_major

Social media will change how we do business, marketing and sales with the continued improvement of socials ads and open graph searches like“.

The Future of Social Media: 25 Experts Share Their 2015 Predictions

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