The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Report: Marketing Emails Opened On Mobile Devices Jumped 61% To 65% In Q4 2013”.

Amy Gesenhues says, “The number of marketing emails opened on mobile devices continued to climb last quarter according to email marketing provider Movable Ink.

The company’s US Consumer Device Preference Report for Q4 2013 claims 65 percent of marketing emails were opened on mobile devices during the last quarter of 2013, up from 61 percent during third quarter.

While mobile open rates climbed, Movable Ink’s research showed the number of desktop marketing email opens dropped four percentage points between the third and fourth quarters of 2013, from 39 percent to 35 percent“.

Report: Marketing Emails Opened On Mobile Devices Jumped 61% To 65% In Q4 2013

Marketing Land

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