The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “The Amazon Effect: The U.S. Has 59% Of All Android Tablets Worldwide”.

Dan Rowinski says, “In the smartphone world, Android’s dominance has been built on the strength of its overseas deployment. On a global basis, Android controlled 68.4% of smartphone shipments in 2012. It would be natural to assume that Android’s tablet share would follow a similar pattern.

You would be wrong.

According to Boston-based mobile analytics firm Localytics, 59% of all Android tablets are not in fledgling foreign markets, but right here in the United States. Great Britain has 5% of Android tablets while Spain and Korea have 2% each. No other country has more than 1% of the Android tablet market share”.

The Amazon Effect: The U.S. Has 59% Of All Android Tablets Worldwide


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