Milana Leshinsky is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, January 23 at 06.00 pm PT. The topic of the webinar is “How To Enroll New High-Paying Clients Without Doing Any Selling”.

Milana says, “Join us for this FREE content-rich webinar and you’ll learn:

  • Bill’s most powerful step-by-step formula for leading prospective clients to “YES” – it works anytime, anywhere. Whether you are in a one-on-one consultation… leading a teleseminar… or speaking on a stage. (This is the true key to radically increasing the number of people who hire you during consultations)
  • How to turn the dreaded response of “I can’t afford it” into the perfect opportunity for you to enroll a new client right on the spot
  • The #1 thing you need to do in your consultations so that clients say yes to your services (it’s not what you think). Many business owners completely leave this part out! Make this one change, and even the most skeptical prospect will want to hire you
  • Is fear of rejection or lack of confidence stopping you from getting clients? Bill will give you a simple fear-busting technique you can use right away. You’ll feel much more comfortable and authentic when talking to people about your rates and inviting them to work with you
  • Bill’s super easy method that you can use to DOUBLE the number of prospective clients who hire you during free consultations”.

Webinar Details

Organizer: Milana Leshinsky

Topic: How To Enroll New High-Paying Clients Without Doing Any Selling

Day/Date: Wednesday, January 23

Time: 06.00 pm PT – Time Zone Converter

Register for webinar details.

‘How To Enroll New High-Paying Clients Without Doing Any Selling’ Webinar

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