The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “B2B Marketers: Why Link to Your Facebook Group from Your Corporate Home Page?”.

Zachary Reiss-Davis says, “Don’t link to your Facebook brand page from your B2B corporate home page just to show your CMO you know what Facebook is.

Forrester has long-viewed our POST — people, objectives, strategy, and tools/technology, in that order — methodology as a primary tool for social marketers to use when developing a social strategy. This requires thinking about your audience and their social behaviors first (people), then your business objectives that you are using social to meet, then what your strategy should be, and finally, what tools, technology, and platforms will help you reach your goals. Yet I’m having more and more conversations with B2B marketers who haven’t articulated their audience’s business social behaviors about social platforms they maintain a corporate presence on and link to on their corporate home pages”.

B2B Marketers: Why Link to Your Facebook Group from Your Corporate Home Page?

The Forrester Blog

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