The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Email, Social, and Mobile Are Marketers’ 2013 Budget Priorities”.

The ‘MarketingProfs’ team says, “Email, social media, and mobile rank as marketers’ top spending priorities for 2013, according to a survey from StrongMail: 55.5% of marketing executives say they plan to increase spending on email campaigns in 2013; 51.8% plan to boost spend on social media; and 42.8% plan to up their spend on mobile marketing.

In addition, 39.8% of surveyed marketing executives plan to increase spending on search marketing in 2013.

By contrast, tactics such public relations (13.9%) and direct mail (15.4%) will likely take a back seat in the coming year, according to the findings”.

Email, Social, and Mobile Are Marketers’ 2013 Budget Priorities


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