Quality content can help you to improve your conversion rates and grow sales. The element of persuasiveness can be a key factor in creating converting content.

Content Marketing Institute’s Shane Barker has shared five useful strategies to help you create high-converting content.

He says, “Here are five ways to create engaging content to boost your conversions.

1. Write a killer headline

Your headline is the first thing readers notice about your blog post or landing page content. Whether or not the headline captivates them likely determines if they continue reading the content or bounce from the page.

Although different variations of headlines work, there are some common elements in successful headlines.

Recently, Auriane Alix shared some of the commonalities she found when analyzing Medium headlines. They are similar to some of the findings by HubSpot and Outbrain, which studied 150,000 article headlines in 2013. Among the high-performance qualities:

  • Headlines with seven words
  • Numbers in the headline”.

How to Create High-Converting Content

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