Your website’s bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors who do not take any further action after landing on your website.

Ahrefs contributor Michal Pecánek has published a six-step article on bounce rate. In this article, he has explained how to interpret and work with bounce rate.

Pecánek says, “Bounce rate is an important metric. It’s useful for assessing user engagement and indicating that there might be something wrong with your tracking setup.

But it’s also an overrated and often misused metric. To prove this point, try sorting the campaigns below from best to worst. For simplicity, assume that we spent the same on each of them and that the quality of leads (signups) is equal.

01 bounce rate
I used to give a slightly more elaborate version of this task to interviewees for marketing positions. Most considered bounce rate when making their decision”.

What Is Bounce Rate? How to Interpret and Work with It


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