The format of your emails plays an important role in the success of your email marketing campaigns.

Blogging Wizard’s Lyn Wildwood has share an article sharing advice on whether to send HTML emails or plain text emails.

She says, “The decision to use HTML emails over plain text or vice versa is important for one essential reason: email deliverability.

Deliverability should be at the top of your list of priorities when it comes to email marketing. Optimizing things like subject lines, email content and delivery times is meaningless if your emails aren’t landing in your subscribers’ inboxes.

HTML emails are generally, though not always, sent by brands for marketing purposes. This has led some email services, such as Gmail, to mark these emails as promotional or even spam.

Gmail Marking Brand Emails As Promotional Or Spam

In fact, detecting commercial emails through their use of HTML elements has become so simple that Google has created an entirely separate tab in its UI for emails it deems as promotional in nature. Your emails wind up getting lumped in with emails from less tactical marketers as a result”.

HTML Emails Vs Plain Text: Which Option Is Best For Your Email List?

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