According to IMPACT’s Iris Hearn, online consumers view brands on Instagram as more popular, relevant, creative, entertaining and committed to building community, than those that are not active on this social network.

By keeping your Instagram audience engaged you can keep your business growing.

Sue B. Zimmerman has published a new video ‘Sharing Instagram Posts To Stories’ to help you Improve your Instagram marketing.

Zimmerman says, “I want you to make the most out of every post you put up on Instagram.  

Right now everyone is at home, scrolling, looking for content, and maybe even searching for what you have to offer. 

The key is making sure you are utilizing both Instagram posts and Stories. 

In today’s newly released YouTube video I share my top tips on how to share your posts to your stories to make the most out of your content and your time”.

Sharing Instagram Posts To Stories

Sue B. Zimmerman’s Blog

Sharing is caring