eBay Insider Secrets and Paradise Publishers Inc. have announced a special contest available only to readers of the “eBay Insider Secrets” Blog. [Contest & Prizes]

eBay Insider Secrets Blog Contest:

Press Release

eBay Insider Secrets Blog Announces Contest

eBay Insider Secrets and Paradise Publishers Inc. have announced a special contest available only to readers of the “eBay Insider Secrets” Blog.

To get your chance to win the contest go to www.ebayinsidersecrets.com and enter your name and email address and you will immediately get an email with the url “website address” to the blog.

Visit the blog and enter the contest.

Contest runs from Thursday November 29th to Sunday December 9th at midnight pacific time.

What can you win… You’ll have to enter to find out but we can tell you this.

It has a value of over $850.00 and we’ll ship it right to your door FREE. Best of luck to you!

eBay Insider Secrets


*This news post was submitted by Mitch Baldwin.

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