Read Cody Moya’s article titled “Why the World is Moving Toward Tag and Ping”.

Cody Moya’s article is reprinted here.


Why the World is Moving Toward Tag and Ping

If there is one constant at play on the internet it is that of change, and those webmasters and internet marketers who are able to keep up with the latest trends are the ones who are most likely to succeed. The ability to spot new trends and profit from them has always been important in the world of business, but the advent of the internet has made the ability to move fast and spot trends even more important.

When it comes to internet marketing, it is vital to know that the world of the search engine and search engine technology seems poised to undergo enormous changes, changes that will greatly impact many of the biggest companies on the web, as well as thousands and thousands of smaller online players. Many of the leading experts in the field of search engine optimization have come to believe that search engines are moving away from their current algorithms toward a more people-centric ranking system.

While at the present time most search engines use algorithms that are largely focused on links from other web sites, it is thought that in the future search engine algorithms will place more emphasis on the popularity of web sites with actual web users, and less on links between web sites.

One such measure of popularity among the people can be gauged by the number of web users who have bookmarked that site. The growing number of social bookmarking sites, where ordinary web users can bookmark and share their favorite web sites, make tracking this kind of web site popularity increasingly easy, and increasingly relevant to the web as a whole.

What this means to you as an internet marketer, of course, is that every time someone on a social bookmarking site marks your site as a favorite, your popularity increases and your rank goes up. This can equate to a relevant link, and a better search engine ranking.

While the extent to which this type of ranking is currently taking place is hard to gauge, more and more search engine optimization experts believe that this people centered search engine algorithm is the wave of the future, and that it is likely to become more and more important. That is why so many savvy web marketers are turning to the popular social bookmarking sites to get their web sites the exposure they will need to survive and thrive in this brave new world of internet marketing and search engine technology.


Cody Moya writes about “Tag and Ping Traffic Secrets” in his Free Courses on Internet Marketing. You can sign up for his free Courses and get additional information at his website:


*IMNewswatch would like to thank Cody Moya for granting permission to reprint this article.





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