Email has been an integral part of the marketing domain. For decades it has remained one of the most trusted tools for the brands and marketers.

Vertical Response contributor Lindsey Bakken has shared five tops to write great promotional emails that give your desired results.

Bakken says, “Before we dig into our interplanetary advice (no, really, anyone from anywhere can use these tips), let’s take a step back. You can’t even begin to create an effective promotional email if you don’t know what your goal is. Ask yourself:

  • What are you offering?
  • Whom are you offering it to?
  • What do you want readers to do with your email?
  • Do you want to convert readers into buyers or spread awareness for a new product?

Now, on to some tips and promotional email examples.

1. Subject line

Subject lines are the first thing recipients see, and they can make or break your email open rates. Creating subject line copy that is awesome and attention-grabbing should be a priority as you write a promotional email”.

Five tips for writing a stellar promotional email

Vertical Response

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