When it comes to social and especially Facebook marketing, the success of your campaign is measured on the basis of the ‘likes’ you get.

Entrepreneur contributor Scott Oldford in his recent post advises marketers to stop worrying about the Facebook likes in 2018.

Oldford says, “Engagement is the worst way to judge the success of your content.

This may surprise you to hear, because most people base success on the amount of traffic you get, how many “likes” a Facebook posts has and how many shares an article creates.

Look, these metrics matter to an extent. They help you judge the success of your content marketing strategy, but if this is the only way you judge it, you’re playing the game wrong.

I say this from experience because I played the game wrong for a long time. I put a lot of effort into content and advertising, and I based the success of it on likes, shares and love-hearts. For a long time, this worked (really, really well). A thousand shares didbring leads and customers and money. But, over the last two years I’ve noticed a new trend, and it surprised me a great deal.

You cannot take Facebook likes to the bank.

I’ve built more than eight businesses over the last fifteen years. Some have succeeded whereas others did not, but they all involved building an online platform in some form. As such, content marketing and online advertising have played a large role throughout my entrepreneurial career”.

Why You Need to Stop Worrying About Facebook ‘Likes’ in 2018


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