Kate Taylor Mighty says, “As the number of email senders fighting for recipients’ attention continues to climb, many marketers are seeing their engagement rates steadily decrease — even if they’re using an approach that worked well a year or two ago. But that’s the problem: If you haven’t shaken up your email program in over a year, your emails are probably getting stale.

Whether you’re an email marketing veteran or are just getting started, you may be operating under certain common misconceptions about email that have been disproved by research. Even worse, your email may be getting dull due to a lack of experimentation or inspiration. Maybe you’re aware that it’s time to switch up your email marketing, but it can still be hard to know where to begin.

HubSpot and SendGrid are here to help. We’ve joined forces to jumpstart your effort to redefine your email program. In doing so, we created a guide with over 100 rigorously-researched tips on how to avoid common misconceptions”.

104 Email Marketing Myths, Experiments & Inspiring Tips


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