In 2024, SEO will be heavily influenced by AI and machine learning. Search engines will lean on these technologies for more refined algorithms and a deeper understanding of user intent.

WordStream contributor Manick Bhan has published an article featuring the 12 biggest SEO trends to watch in 2024.

He says, “By following these important 2024 SEO trends, you can make sure your content meets both the quality and authority signals Google will be looking for in 2024.

1. Search intent will be king

Search intent will continue to be the North Star for how organic marketers should create their content this year.

Search intent refers to the true intention behind the user’s search. Meeting search intent requires a nuanced understanding of how your target audience uses search engines.

Marketers traditionally have used four primary categories to discuss search intent: Navigational, Transactional, Commercial, and Informational searches.”

12 Biggest SEO Trends to Watch in 2024


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