By engaging your prospects and customers, you can continue to grow your business. It helps you reach your sales goals too.

Acquire contributor Nikoletta Bika has shared eight helpful customer engagement strategies.

She says, “The right customer engagement strategies can have a massive effect on your business outcomes. They will result in a better customer experience, higher retention, and will eventually help you attract more customers.

If you’re wondering what the best strategies are, check out our list and give them all a try to create a truly engaged (and loyal) customer base.

1. Know your customer journey

You can’t start developing or implementing any customer engagement strategy without knowing who your customers are and how they interact with your brand.

A good way to start is to map your customer journey and find all important touchpoints, bottlenecks and challenges your customers may meet. This will help you find out more about their needs and behavior as well as identify opportunities for engagement”.

8 Smart Customer Engagement Strategies That Work

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