As there has been a shift from desktop computers to mobile devices, mobile email marketing is becoming very important for marketers. With this shift, Mobile’s impact on sales is growing, and email is one dimension of your marketing strategy that needs to be adjusted to work well on mobile devices.

To help you create mobile-friendly emails, CleverTap’s Emily Bonnie has shared an infographic containing eight elements of mobile-friendly emails.

Bonnie says, “This infographic covers all the elements email marketers need to create mobile-friendly emails that send click-through rates and conversions through the roof. Check it out to learn:

  1. The ideal length for subject lines
  2. How to write compelling teaser text
  3. The secret to pitch-perfect personalization
  4. How to position your CTA for conversions
  5. The most popular mobile email clients
  6. How top apps create responsive designs”.

8 Elements of Mobile-Friendly Emails (Infographic)


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