Jeff Walker is known around the world as the inventer and perfecter of the Product Launch Formula.

Thousands of online marketer have invested in his training on launching a new information product. Hardly any major product launch occurs today that doesn’t follow his formula. This very week has seen several (for example, Traffic Genesis and eFormula Evolution.)

For the next 24 hours (until Midnight Friday), you can get Walker’s paperback version of his book that goes on sale Tuesday, for just a Shipping and Handling fee.

The full-blown video version costs $500 or more, when he makes it available (which is a rare event, 2 or 3 weeks each year.) But you can get the essence of the process for just $6.95 shipping and handling.

This is the exact formula he teaches in the high-ticket training, but the cost is so low that anyone can afford it.

In this book Walker shares:
• The exact formula that his students have used to generate more than $500 million in sales in hundreds of different markets.
• The 9 weapons of mass influence that cause people to buy. These triggers will form the cornerstone of your successful product launch.
• How to use the “Seed Launch” process to get paid before you even create your product.

You’ll also get the Case Study of Walker’s student who started from scratch and quickly grew a six figure business in an obscure niche.

Plus you’ll get three in-depth training videos that walk you through Walker’s launch process and the Product Launch Blueprint.

Get your copy before it’s too late: Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Book.

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