Kevin Riley’s latest article is titled “Your Sales Letter: The Most Important Component In Your Online System”. [Article Reprint]

Kevin Riley’s latest article is reprinted here.

Your Sales Letter: The Most Important Component In Your Online System

To bring customers into your sales funnel and add them to your mailing list, you first need to convince them that your product is the right fit for them. This is the vital job of your tireless 24/7 salesman – your sales letter.

Your Sales Letter Has A Tough Job

Your sales letter has to perform not one, but four main functions. First, it must grab the website visitor’s attention. Then, it has to get them interested in actually reading further. It’s next job is to build a strong desire, before commanding the reader with a strong call to action.

Grabbing The Website Visitor’s Attention

Your sales letter pulls the visitor into the sales letter with a strong headline, which shouts out a benefit for the reader. It creates curiosity in the reader and gets them to read that first paragraph.

Getting Them Interested

The beginning of your sales letter must make your reader want to read further. It must show them right away that reading further will be of benefit for them. It’s got to answer the “What’s in it for me?” question.

Building Desire For Your Offer

Once the reader is interested and pulled into the sales copy, it’s time to pump up their desire for your report. Do this by presenting one fantastic benefit after another, showing them exactly why they have to have this product.

Calling To Action

With the reader now hungry for your report, it’s time to call for the order. Your sales letter has to give them a command – tell them exactly what to do. Your call to action must clearly spell out how to order the product – to click that order button – or the reader may simply sit there, dreaming about all the good your product will do for them, but never buying it.

Good Sales Copy Is Vital

With a good, compelling sales letter, your entry-level report will bring valuable customers into your sales funnel. If the sales letter doesn’t pull in the customers, the rest of your online business system will never have a chance to follow up with it’s e-mail series and back-end offers.

Strong sales copy will make an enormous difference in the efficiency of your Internet business system and your online income.

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*This article was submitted by Kevin Riley.

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