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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Successful advertising online and offline; new training bundle #ad

Lance Groom reports that he earned $17,857.45 in 8 days with 1 WSO (Warrior Special Offer) online advertisement in the Warrior Forum. And he earned $95.629.05 in 30 days with 1 Tiny Classified Ad. Groom is offering to show you two ways to earn a living in marketing; both included in his new training he calls DeadlyWSO & MackDaddyAds 2.0. First is an online advertising and marketing method. A lot of products are sold on the Warrior Forum. Marketers go there to invest in training, sales aids and software to help them build their business. But not every product gets a lot of buyers or even a lot... [...]

How to Create a WSO & Write the Sales Letter in 2 Hours or Less #ad

The title says it all. Sean Mize is the author of dozens of sales training products, most of them released as (successful) WSOs. He has this process in his mind, almost as second nature. He has done it over and over again, and now he wants to show you How to Create a WSO and Write the Sales Letter in 2 Hours or Less. In this training, he shows you: • How to write a WSO sales letter, • How to create the product, and • How to upload and route the product in Warrior Plus and your autoresponder. He doesn’t leave anything to chance. He shows you every step in his (repeatable)... [...]

How To Create, Launch And Sell WSOs #ad

British marketer Steve Peters Benn has been building his expertise for years and has become particularly expert in selling on the Warrior Forum. For example, since 2009, he has launched over 40 special offers and many of them have been designated “WSOs of the Day”. Benn has just released his training on how you can use the Warrior Forum for your own marketing: Special Offer Gold. He describes it as “The Most Popular, Effective and Ethical launch system out there.” Warrior Forum has lots of members who are there for the purpose of buying useful training and software. They... [...]

“WSO in a Box”: How to quickly create an information product and sell it #ad

Karen Haworth, a 64-year old grandmother made over $78.000 on her first WSO. That’s surprising, but she had a little help. Her son, Derrick VanDyke is an experienced internet marketer and he lent his expertise to getting her first WSO launched. Derrick has had many successful products (including an earlier one on WSO marketing), and now Karen has had two, even though she knows little about computers and is something of a technophobe. Together, they have created WSO in a Box to show you how it’s done. In this new training, you discover: • What kinds of products are proven to sell-... [...]

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