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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Download: Tableau’s ‘3 Ways to Measure Social Media Like a Genius’ Guide

Tableau has released a free guide titled “3 Ways to Measure Social Media Like a Genius”. The Tableau team says, “Tired of looking at the same old social media metrics from Facebook and Twitter? Ready to wow your customers, prospects and bosses with a brand new way of visualizing, exploring and measuring social media ROI? Check out this guide to learn three ways to measure social media like a genius. This guide includes: live interactive examples of social media data dashboards YouTube tutorials about social media analytics best practices and guidelines for measuring social... [...]

Download: Tableau’s ‘5 Tips to Get More from Google Analytics’ White Paper

Tableau has released a free white paper titled “5 Tips to Get More from Google Analytics”. The Tableau team says, “Google Analytics has given you many great new features for your website visitor, source, and conversion tracking. And there’s much more you can do to take full advantage of your data from Google Analytics. Ask and answer deeper questions: How well does the respondent audience in your web visits correspond to your target audience? What traffic sources yield the most valuable customers, not just one-time conversions? How can you enable colleagues who are not web-analytics... [...]

Download: Marketo’s ‘Social Media for Lead Generation’ eBook

Marketo has released a free ebook titled “Social Media for Lead Generation”. The Marketo team says, “Using social media to brand your business isn’t a groundbreaking strategy. Been there, done that? And although social is still important for branding and buzz, it’s becoming increasingly important for lead generation. Download our eBook and find out how tapping into social media channels can transform your lead generation efforts. You will learn: How social marketing is shifting away from company-to-buyer marketing Why social sharing is important and how to get your audience... [...]

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