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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Google Analytics: Scientific strategy for site improvement #ad

Google is willing to share its computing power and its knowledge of what is important to website traffic with any webmaster/ site owner who wants a better performing website for their business. And, of course, Google’s knowledge about the web beats yours and mine and your mentor’s put together. Google Analytics allows you to understand what type of content and marketing messages make your customers respond and become fans. You can use this type of information to come up with offers, products and services that your customers will gravitate toward. Do you want the power of Goggle’s... [...]

Silver Edition of IM Checklists #ad

The secret to building a profitable, sustainable business online is following a proven step-by-step system that gives you results every single time you follow it. Not reinventing the wheel has its advantages. For over a year, Kevin Fahey has been releasing monthly guides to various aspects of marketing, one per month. He releases them in the form of checklists that you follow step by step to get you from knowing nothing about the topic to being competent in the topic. He builds these checklists based on his own 12 years of experience online. Now he has collected the first year’s content into... [...]

How to advertise on YouTube #ad

Kevin Fahey has just released his latest IM Checklist (this one is Volume 15). This one is on YouTube Advertising. There are a lot of advantages for using Youtube for your marketing. There i hardly any site getting more traffic than YouTube. Regardless of your product, there are YouTube visitors who are good candidates for your product. Your job is: 1. Target the relative few (that is, the few compared with the billions who visit YouTube) and present your ads to them. 2. Create an ad that will be attractive to the people you have targeted. Here’s how Fahey explains the rationale for successful... [...]

New IM Checklists available- Harness the power of video #ad

Today, Kevin Fahey & Mark Laxton are opening the doors at 9 AM EDT to the new volume 5 of the IM Checklist series. The topic of this latest collection of checklists is video marketing. Kevin has successfully used video marketing for years and has generated millions online using videos. Mark, his partner for this volume, is a YouTube Marketing expert and has a depth of YouTube knowledge that can improve the success of anyone at any level. Especially, he can provide you with a massive boost to your ability to get free viral traffic to your video. Don’t overlook the importance of video for... [...]

Now With Private Label Right – IM Checklist Affiliate Marketing #ad

We have been telling you about the IM Checklists Kevin Fahey has created, beginning last December. His fourth list, IM Checklist: Affiliate Marketing launches today. As you can see, this fourth checklist collection is all about affiliate marketing, and it is completely different from the other three checklist collections. As you know, affiliate marketing can be a lucrative business if you do it well. Fahey has been in the business for a long time and has learned the ins and outs of the whole process. His specialty is information marketing, but most of his training and checklists will be helpful... [...]

New IM Checklist from Kevin Fahey: Social Media #ad

Kevin Fahey has just released his third checklist for internet marketing: IM Checklist, Volume 3: Social Media. Your customers and people who are potential customers use Social Media. If you want to meet them and offer them your products and services, you need to be doing so using the social media they use. Fahey learned this lesson several years ago and has been using social media as one of the pillars for his business. He is now sharing the tools and techniques that he has found to be successful in this new training. IM Checklist, Volume 3: Social Media includes all the checklists, worksheets,... [...]

IM Checklist, Vol 2, Setting up your Email Marketing #ad

Now that the new year is underway, we marketers need to improve our game. Customers are expecting more and better content from us. Kevin Fahey has just released a new Internet Marketing Checklist, the second in his series, to help us in this task. You will probably recall that Volume 1 was all about how to create and launch a new product. It contained 18 checklists for all the things you need to do to bring an information or software croduct to market. If you missed volume 1, you can get your copy here: IM Checklist, Volume 1. IM NewsWatch intends to launch a collection of products in the future,... [...]

IM Checklist: Successful online marketing system for you #ad

Kevin Fahey has just released his latest aid for online marketers., his IM Checklist. This new guide to successful online business includes 18 Printable PDFs, Spreadsheets and Online Forms that will give you a system for many aspects of your online marketing. That’s important because “Success is in the System.” Having a way to handle each aspect of your business is the key for moving forward. It needs to be a proven way, and you need to follow it consistently every time the related situation occurs. IM Checklist includes 18 Printable PDFs, Spreadsheets and Online Forms. Specifically,... [...]

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