Niche targeting focuses on serving a specific segment of the market with tailored products or services. It helps businesses attract highly interested audiences, leading to better engagement and higher conversion rates.

Convince & Convert contributor Romanshika Singh has published an article on niche targeting.

She says, “If your marketing doesn’t resonate personally, you’re missing out on loyal, highly engaged customers.

But why focus on smaller audiences when the allure of scale is so tempting? It’s simple:

Niche audiences are more invested.

These are people who are passionate about a specific interest or community, whether it’s proud Pug parents or zenful yoga practitioners. Brands that can speak directly to these audiences not only achieve higher engagement but also build lasting, trust-driven relationships.

Take Epsilon’s research(Open Link in new window), which found that 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase from a brand that offers personalized experiences. If you’re not micro-targeting, you’re leaving money on the table.”

The Power of Niche Targeting: How Marketers Can Win by Thinking Small

Convince & Convert

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