Eight Tips to Writing Follow-Up Emails
It is important to send follow-up emails as it significantly increases your chances of getting a response.
HubSpot contributor Jeff Hoffman has published an article featuring 10 tips to
He says, “There are too many reasons for following up. So, what’s your next step? Here are several principles to adhere to when sending a follow-up email after no response. Follow them, and you’re more likely to welcome a few of those prodigal prospects back into your open arms.
1. Don’t follow up too quickly.
Salespeople like to categorize themselves as persistent. It’s one of our calling cards and part of our identity, but when following up, persistence can begin to look a lot like pestering.
Being persistent without insight into why the prospect isn’t responding is not smart. If you’re only waiting a day or two to touch base again after the first outreach email, you’re not giving them time to respond.”
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