By creating content that appeals to your audience, you can increase the chances of conversion and sales.

Watch Neil Patel’s latest video ‘How to Create User-Focused Content That Converts’ to learn how to create user-focused content that converts.

Neil says, “The most important part of SEO is providing the most value to the user. At the end of the day, the sites that have the best content, the best experience, the best product, the best service are the ones that are going to win. For example, you can optimize the site however much you want, but if everyone’s searching for cheap laptop and you’re offering the same laptop, you’re offering the same laptop as me, but you’re at a $1000 and I’m at $500, I’m the one who’s going to eventually rank high because everyone’s like half the cost for the same product. So everyone’s going to be clicking on my listing and buying from me. That’s an example of like, it doesn’t matter how much you optimize, right? It is important, don’t get me wrong, but a good product and service really goes a long way.”

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