A/B testing (also known as split testing or bucket testing) is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage or app against each other to determine which one performs better.

HubSpot contributor Clifford Chi has published an article highlighting 15 of the best A/B testing tools for 2023.

He says, “Before we jump into the top A/B testing tools, let’s talk about the features you should look for in an A/B testing tool. Look out for:

  • A/B Tests: The tool should, as a baseline, offer A/B testing. Some have additional capabilities, so consider what else is offered if you’re looking for a more inclusive tool.
  • Required Skills: Some tools require technical knowledge to build and launch tests, while others have easy-to-use builders for any ability. Some offer both but make sure your tool supports your skillset.
  • Segmentation Capabilities: Your A/B test tool should offer segmentation and targeting abilities to target your preferred audience groups.
  • Statistical Analysis and Reporting: The significance of your test results is an essential part of your test, so you want the tool you use to calculate the significance of your results and provide other metrics like ROI and CRO.”
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