How to Leverage Predictive Analytics to Survive a Recession, September 8 [Webinar]
In today’s world, the smartest user of data wins. And whoever uses their data to understand the future has the greatest opportunity not just to survive a recession, but to thrive for years to come.
Industry Dive is hosting a webinar ‘How to Leverage Predictive Analytics to Survive a Recession’ on Thursday, September 8, 2022, at 3.00 pm ET.
The ID team says, “Are your teams prepared to leverage predictive analytics to act faster, be smarter, and execute with more agility during an unstable market?
In partnership with Pecan AI, learn how artificial intelligence and machine learning can predict customer behavior, lifetime value, optimize conversion strategies and identify upsell/cross-sell opportunities.
Watch the webinar to find out how predictive analytics has the power to:
- Enhance marketing strategies and strengthen customer relationships
- Impact business and influence purchase decisions
- Benefit internal teams across the organization.”
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