We keep observing the rise and decline in the search engine rankings for our websites on various occasions.

Search Engine Journal contributor Adam Riemer has answered this important question ‘Why Do Our Search Rankings Drop on Weekends?’ in his latest post.

He says, “It is hard to solve your problem without knowing your website, what your company does, or if you’re a business or publisher.

But this question does come up in many scenarios, so I’ll answer the possible causes I’ve seen working in brick and mortar (restaurants and shops), B2B lead gen, ecommerce, and publishers.

Brick And Mortar

One cause of traffic fluctuations on the weekends could be that you have your hours listed in Google Business Profile, schema, and on your website.

If your physical locations are closed on the weekends or a specific day of the week, and your competitors are open, Google may be showing them as people look for services and retailers within your area.”

Why Do Our Search Rankings Drop on Weekends?

Search Engine Journal

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