Your blog content needs a catchy headline and a clear introduction. The blog post introduction helps you brief your readers on what they are going to explore.

Copyblogger’s Brian Clark has published an article featuring five easy ways to open your blog post with a bang.

He says, “Here are five ways to open your blog post that you can incorporate into your writing habits today.

They’ll help you capture your reader’s interest and pull them deeper into your content.

1. Ask a question

Opening your post with a question is a rhetorical device (hence, the “rhetorical question”) that creates curiosity and gets the reader thinking.

Thinking equals active engagement with your writing, and that’s a very good thing. If your reader needs to ponder a piece of information you’ve presented, they’ll likely want to keep reading to see if their ideas match the rest of your content.”

How to Write a Blog Post Introduction That Grabs and Holds Attention

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