Just like any other social media platform, TikTok uses hashtags to group content around a particular topic, making it easy for people to find videos that interest them.

HubSpot has published a guide ‘Best TikTok Hashtags in 2022’ to help marketers achieve better marketing results.

Erin Rodrigue says, “Hashtags have the power to expand your reach beyond your current audience. Let’s dive deeper into their benefits:

1. Provide context.

For one, hashtags provide a layer of context for your TikTok videos. For instance, if you upload a video of you playing a video game, you could include the hashtag #gaming. Then, the TikTok algorithm decides who would be most interested in seeing your video on their feed.

2. Discoverability and engagement.

Hashtags categorize videos under certain topics — like #gaming — so users can easily find content they’re interested in. As a result, your content has more chances to be discovered, even if someone doesn’t follow your brand.”

Best TikTok Hashtags in 2022 [Ultimate Guide]


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