To achieve better ROI from your social media advertisement campaigns, you need to write them in a way so that your prospects are persuaded to take action.

Portent contributor Isabelle Severns has shared 10 tips for writing social media ad copy that converts.

She says, “There’s an art to writing good social media ad copy, but it’s also a skill you can learn with a little knowledge and practice.

1. Research and Understand Your Audience

Know your audience and write specifically for them; you need to know what your prospect marketplace is thinking and find a way to address that. Social media ads are about attracting and engaging potential members, but there’s more to it than that. From the customer’s point of view, each ad should answer the following four questions:

  1. What is the brand/product?
  2. Why is this product/brand for me?
  3. How can I benefit from the brand/product?
  4. Where can I find it?

By targeting these questions, you will inherently narrow down your copy to fit the mold of a specific group of people with those needs.”


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