A digital product is any product that a customer can purchase and use online. In many cases, this includes some form of content, such as a newsletter, podcast, video, ebook, or course.

Copyblogger’s Tim Stoddart has published an in-depth article on creating digital products that people actually want.

He says, “If you’re considering selling a product or service, a digital product may be the best option for a few different reasons.


The first benefit of digital products is that you can reach a much larger audience without working any harder or accumulating more cost.

For example, if you want to help people cook healthier meals, you can offer cooking classes, but you’ll be limited to serving the people in your town.

Additionally, if you want to grow this business, you would have to hire more chefs and pay for more equipment and kitchen space.”

How to Create Digital Products (That People Actually Want)

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